Looks like we'll have a little delivery for Xmas this year. We found out just after Easter that there will be a new Thompson added to the clan. I have been blessed with 7 straight weeks of nausea, a stomach bug that lasted 2 days and now a beautiful head cold. To add to my incessant exhaustion, breaking out like I'm a teenager, I'm still waiting for the f*&^ing glow that should be approaching.
And I can't cook anything!?! It makes me totally nauseous. My poor husband hasn't had me cook dinner save 2x in the last month, and one of the those was an already roasted chicken from the super...that counts, right?
Hopefully now that we're in the 2nd trimester things will start to settle down a bit. Looks like we'll have to postpone our Thanksgiving trip to California as my due date is scheduled just afterwards, but we'll try to give advance notice on the reschedule.
Enjoying my yoga and dance teaching in the meanwhile, and JT is busy with an insolvancy firm he used to work with a few years before moving to London. We'll keep you posted when we find out gender.