What an adventure! When I spent the summer in London in 2006 I knew I was meant to be here. Aided by multiple friends of friends and their couches that summer, little did I know I'd get life-long friends out of the deal. I officially moved to London in January 2007 and thought it could be for as short as 6 months, but here I sit on our last day in London (flight to Bangkok leaves tonight), and I am over 3 years into a London life, married to the best person in the world for me, and 10 hours shy from embarking toward our new life together in Australia.
Reminiscing with nostalgia would include memories of jobs gone right, wrong and weird (Tequila girl, sandwich delivery by bike, crazy Spa company, teaching for ASL and for English State schools, yoga for surfers in France/Spain);
memories of meeting JT (the Loop Bar...thanks Phil for giving him the thumbs up that night and pushing me in that direction, Cambridge, Menzies Ball, Barcelona and Tomatina, first trip to Aus, bringing you to CA to hear my mom say, "I didn't know you'd be so tall!", visa complications on both ends, a summer away in France with your constant visits and texts, teaching agh!, Moyne Palace, Garrick Close, and our new direction as we move to Aus);
the crazy places we've visited in the last 3+ years, mostly as a couple, teaching us how to truly communicate (nothing like a huge snowy weekend in Berlin too far from the U bahn and starving to teach patience);
and the friends I must thank as I am so very grateful, although I know I'll forget a few so please don't be hurt if that is the case: Simon and Nat, Deb and Rich, Liesl and Tom, Don my dear dance partner in crime, Katy (who lent me so many of her friends and family to continue my adventures and came to visit), Kendall (who visited 2x, helped us through the move and gave us Liesl), Gerardo (for your couch and wisdom), Lee-anne and Simon (Greenford hood represent!), Loz (the queen of Moyne Palace), Katie and Sewells for your continued push to get us out there, Nghi and Tim (thanks for all the Westfield trips during a stressful 6 weeks and for EuroDisney too! Bring on the Gaga in March!), Paulie and Dugdale (missed you guys over the last year, disappointed we didn't get more time together), Julika/Gigs (a dear friend and fellow student of the world, love you loads and say hi to the green Santa please, come visit us!!), Lesley, Amy, Hayley, Bex, Luda and Daniel, Liz, Kaska, the Unlisted crew: Andrei, Priam, Sam and David (so glad such a crazy job could bring such good friends), and my lovely Reillys I'll miss you guys. I'm also grateful for the support of loved ones back in the States, my friends and family who helped me to get there (Ann and Andy for taking me into their family too many times to count), Dad for dropping me at the airport everytime, and all family and friends who have sent their love, emailed, skyped, texted, facebooked and still try to stay in touch despite distance. Thanks to all who were able to make the leaving parties or caught up in the last week. And a huge thanks to Pickle and Nat who've put up with us in their home for the last 2 weeks so we could close things down more easily.
Okay, this isn't a eulogy, I'm just trying to close things properly in order to start off on the new adventure that will be Australia. I guess I'm sad to leave, but really looking forward to summer in Aus, getting to know my non-blood family down under, getting back near the beach (could only be a city girl for so long), watching the toilet water go down the bowl the opposite direction, and starting a new chapter. We'll be couch surfing with Giulia and then Troy and Fiona until mid-April, so unless you're Ann, hold all visits till then please :-). I'll continue to update the blog, although the pictures may be from non-European locations, my horrible sense of humor and fondness for toilet talk will not change.
Thanks all!