The closest I'll get to a puppy for a while.
After nomadic life since February, we are finally out of suitcases (mostly). We found a sweet, little three bedroom brick house in Port Melbourne. We're a short walk from the tram that facilitates a ten minute trip straight into the CBD. The plus side is that we're also a hop, skip and jump from Bay Street. Bay Street is the heart of Port Melbourne complete with 2 supermarkets (one of them a little organic shop), multiple hairdressers, restaurants, pubs, bakeries, and other little handy places. And the best part.......we're an 8 minute walk to the beach!
Home is sparsely decorated as we're starting over from scratch, but with the welcome addition of Azz moving in with us (JT's brother), we have a few more comforts about. Also a big thanks to Amber for lending us her couches and bean bag in the interim.
It's a work in progress, but it is slowly starting to feel like home. And we even have a special room for visitors...hint, hint!