Thanks to Luda's great planning, we attended Ascot for the first time. After having gone to the Espon races a year ago with JT's brother Azz, where we drank, gambled, and waved to the Queen, we had a good idea of what to expect for this year's busy event.

Several of our guys couldn't wait out the traffic and had to use nearby bushes for quick relief on our way. Once finished they had a quick run in order to make it back into the bus.
For the girls a head-to-toe outfit is necessary and headwear of some kind is essential. As most of the terrain is grass, I knew to be in platforms and brought flipflops as backups. (As stripper heels are the in-fashion, most moronic girls wore 3-5 inch bondage strappy things and tripped or shuffled unsexily around the enclosure.) I also knew to bring jeans...just in case.

We had a beautiful spread as everyone brought food, (thank Teri as your 7 layer recipe is still making hits...I've subbed jalapenos for green onions). And we even survived the rainfall twice. No queen or betting this year, just the good times!