A freeze-your-tushie-off first Sunday of 2009 my hubbie and I ventured out of London to view one of the World Wonders: Stonehenge. As Stonehenge doesn't have an exact postcode, we were able to get a nearby postcode to use on the navigation device that seems to save ourselves having any sense of direction once inside a car in any part of Europe, which led us to a warehouse, and then forced a backroads, windy one-way path to finally get to this historic site.
Although impressive, the stones are not nearly as large as photographs make them out to be. I expected rocks more than quadruple my height, and found them to be approximately double. The navigational audio tour was informative, but it was so bloody freezing that my numbed and gloved fingers had to seek refuge in my pockets and I missed about 3 of the dialogues. In fact, my eyes were about the only thing to escape shelter (hence the spectacular pictures).
We moved onto Bath and its stunning architecture. After tea and buns at Sally Lunn's Buns, we toured the Roman Bathhouse. Most of the experience could have been posted on Wikipedia save the smell permiating the stone and water. There was one point where I could have stood and watched the water fall out of its cavern and smelled the water on stone for the remainder of the afternoon and felt justified in our 2 hour drive.
After catching hold of Grant, we made our way to Grant and Gumby's beautiful home just outside city center and were finally about to meet Louie the wonderdog. Grant cooked a beautiful vegetarian meal, and my first London winter holiday came to a close.